Distracted doesn’t even begin to describe the chaos you feel in your life. You’re overwhelmed and constantly just trying to keep your head above water.
At work, you feel confronted everyday by the fact you aren’t really sure what you’re doing. You put off important projects and focus on small tasks that give you a sense of completion each day, however you leave work feeling like you’ve failed because you know things are piling up.
At home, things go undone like the grocery shopping, or watering the plants. Maybe you put off telling your spouse you don’t really want to go on that vacation they’ve been talking about. Or you have been staying in a house, job, or vehicle that you hate because it’s too scary to deal with change.
As someone who’s been through all of the tell-tale signs of burnout, ADHD, severe anxiety, and come out the other side a self-possessed and confident person, I want to share with you how I’ve done it.
Stop feeling like you’re being crushed under the weight of too much to do, too little energy, and that ever creeping in imposter syndrome. If you want to take control of your life, get things done, be productive, get rid of busyness, feel more at ease, and have higher life satisfaction, this course is for you.
Living in constant anxiety about how to live and be content drains us and can make it so hard to feel settled. Kick your dissatisfaction with life to the curb with this course designed to put you back in the drivers seat and grow your ability to cope with tough situations right now, plan a future you are happy with, and deal with difficult change without feeling like you need to hide under a rock.
Hi, I’m Hannah Poe Klaassen and I’m here to help.
You don’t need to become a different person.
What you need is to become more yourself, the you that is inside. Taking a course may sound overwhelming if you weren’t a fan of school. Cool thing is we’re studying you, not something you don’t have any interest in. The more we look inward the more we can grow outward.
Pretty cool right?
Foundational Wellness meets 90-minutes a week for 8-weeks, with the option for an additional two individual 30-minute coaching sessions.
If 8 weeks seems like a long time, ask yourself, how long have you been feeling crappy about your situation? There are no quick fixes and likely it’s taken you years to get into such a place of discontentment.
Why not give 8 weeks of working toward your ideal self a shot? Worst case scenario, you’ll want to keep growing more after this 2 month course… I guess that’s also the best case scenario, lol.
Desire to grow and feel joy in your life is not only a good thing, it will set you free. The mindset that keeps us stuck is a cycle that has to be broken. By signing up for this course you’re literally taking the first step in breaking the cycle.
You may be wondering…
What will we be learning about?
Week 1
January 20, 2025
Course Intro and Navigation
Week 3
February 3, 2025
Listening to Yourself Accurately
Week 5
February 17, 2025
Assertive Communication
Week 7
March 3, 2025
Reframing for Gratitude + Understanding
Week 2
January 27, 2025
Journal Setup
Week 4
February 10, 2025
Listening to Others Accurately
Week 6
February 24, 2025
Week 8
March 10, 2025
Books we will be reading
The Bullet Journal Method
The Four Agreements
The Gifts of Imperfection
Let’s challenge these thoughts together.
Yes. The way we read books has changed dramatically in the last decade or two. From print, to audiobook, to the ability to manipulate font size and background colors with e-readers, you absolutely can get the most out of this course through reading. Not sure what reading style works for you? Book a 15- minute consultation to start honing in on the best way for you to read.
What are you currently using your money for? If you really sit and think about it, it’s overwhelmingly to take care of yourself or someone you care about. If you look at your finances, are you using that money to help you reach your goals, grow in the way you know you have the potential to? Or do you find yourself spending money to cope, numb, or distract yourself from the difficult feelings you have about who you are. This investment is in you, your growth, and hopefully will lead to you having more money in the long run for the things you truly care about.
Yes. Plain and simple. If you care about your long term growth you can make the time. Coming back to the idea of investing in yourself, it’s crucial to pause, reflect, learn, and implement to get out of a rut. If you don’t have the structure to do this on your own yet, what better way to learn than with a 90-minute group each week to hold you accountable to your goals?